Hi Lara,
I think providing young readers with concrete symbols can provide powerful scaffolds for reading comprehension. Do you use these symbols in writing workshop as well?
We have been studying fairy tales for a couple of weeks now in our reading workshop and our writing workshop. We began by reading various "classic" fairy tales and charting certain elements from these tales. I wanted the students to begin to make generalizations about the genre. You can check out the anchor chart here. Then we narrowed our focus and began reading versions of Little Red Riding Hood. The kids LOVED all the different versions. Check out our book list. We charted some elements of a few of our favorites so the students could see the connections between the stories and begin to think about how they might change certain elements of the story. I have tried to re-create some of our chart. The students are now writing their own versions of the Little Red Riding Hood story, and I am so impressed with their creativity. I will post one or two in the next week so you can check them out!
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